A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

There are some black and white photographs from the show available.

Cast of Characters
Pseudolus, Slave to Hero Les Bundy
Senex, An Old Man Dean Brown
Domina, His Wife Betty Hayes
Hero, his son, in love with Philia Lyle Johnson
Hysterium, Slave to Senex and Domina Jesse Gonzalez
Erronius, An Old Man Robert Schafer
Miles Gloriosus, A Warrior David Gilbert
Marcus Lycus, A buyer and seller of Courtesans Tony Marshall
Philia, a Virgin Elsa Wickenhofer
Tintinabula, A Courtesan Cora Brown
Panacea, A Courtesan Kathy Carter
The Geminae, Courtesans Kathy Bundy, Barbara Hardeman
Vibrata, A Courtesan Nan Brichta
Gymnasia, A Courtesan Vickie Harrison
The Proteans (Citizens, Soldiers, other Characters Rich Walrath, Ed Wickenhofer, Chuck Jamieson
Eunich, In the house of Marcus Lycus Tim Hayes
THE TIME is two hundred years before the Christian Era, a day in Spring
THE PLACE is a street in Rome in front of the houses of Erronius, Senex, and Lycus
THE ACTION is continuous, with a single intermission
The show was produced with special arrangement with Music Theater International
Production Staff
Director Ron Taylor
Technical Director Tom Hayes
Assistants to the Director Nancy Bundy, Eddie Cooper
Lighting Director Charlie Cummins
Stage Manager Tom Hayes
Lighting Staff Ron Brown, Troy Francis, Lynne Masterson, Dave Harris, Troy Francis
Technical Crew Tim Hayes, Marty Bullock, Dale Herring, John Masters, Ed Wehnau, Tom Hayes
"Go Fers" Chris Bullock, Darrin Bullock
Property Misteresses Jane Gillen, Edee Diller, Sue Bell
Make-Up Chairperson BettyLou Cummins
Make-Up Committee Sue Ann Kleinheitz, and the Lajes High School Drama Class
Costume Designer Sherril Taylor
Promotion Director Jane Gillen
Ticket Sales Betty Hayes
Programs Ron Taylor
Art Director Denny Sabus
House Manager Sharron Cooper
Ushers Bob Marble, Ed Wehnau, Eddie Cooper
Business Manager Eddie Cooper
Electrical Advisor Dick Edwards
Production Secretary Leola Amrein


Studio 406 would like to gratefully express an genuine "Thank You" to the following persons and organizations for their invaluable aid and assistance in this production:


Lajes Base Exchange

Lajes High School Art Classes -- Ms. Marilyn Mendes

Staff of the Corsswinds Recreation Center

Director's Notes:

Studio 406 would like to warmly welcome YOU to the first production of our 1980-81 Season, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Besides "America's Funniest Musical," we have an exciting and entertaining year of theatre planned for the Lajes community.
Our next presentation, on December 12th and 13th, will be our annual "Christmas Show," an appropriate spectacle to get the community into the mood and spirit of this most festive and joyous season of the year. For our winter show, whent he winds are blowing across Terceira Island, we will produce the uproarious comedy You Can't Take It With You. We will bring to a close our busy and entertaining season of musicals and plays in the spring with the highly acclaimed dramatic play, Inherit the Wind. This absorbing account of the historically notorious "Scopes Monkey Trial" and the personalities of the magnificent orators Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan represents theater at its highest level.
Practically every talent and skill is useful and necessary to a theatrical production. What you will witness tongiht, in its totality, is the composite efforts of actors, singers, dancers, musicians, designers, electricians, carpenters, artists, seamstresses, painters, and even skilled positions which we cannot label. If you are interested in the thrill and immense feeling of accomplishment that theatre provides, JOIN STUDIO 406 -- we have a place for YOU! We meet right here in the Crosswinds Recreation Center every first Wednesday of each month, at 7:00 P.M.
All of the profits from Studio 406 productions go directly into the MWR fund; so, by patronizing our shows you are not only paying for entertainment that only live theatre can offer, but also you are helping to enhance the many services of the MWR program.

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