Studio 406 Memories

A fond memory for many people stationed at Lajes AB was the community theater group, Studio 406. Although the group disbanded in the late 1980's, it had a long run of more than 25 years of service -- in various incarnations -- to the Lajes community.

This page is, in no way, an official history of Studio 406. It is, however, a tribute to those who got me back into community theater after a 12+ year hiatus -- a break that has not, and will not be repeated (thanks to Charlie, Betty Lou, Les, Nancy, Ron, Dean, Cora, and many others). I've put a few photos from some shows I was involved with here, and hope that others who were involved in the group check in with me.

If you have a photo from a Studio 406 production that you can scan and email me, please do so, and I will, of course, give you full credit for the 'pic.


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum was presented in 1980 by Studio 406. I haven't had the chance to see the current production on Broadcway, but that too will change in the not too distance future, I hope!

Our courtesans Our courtesans
That has <B><U>GOT</b></u> to hurt! The proteans clowning around, with Pseudolus watching


Many of the cast for Whose Life is it Anyway? Nancy Bundy directed this moving production of a parapalegic artist struggling with life and death. With Paul Bonnell in the leading role of Ken Harrison, I played the "Dr. Craig" type role of Dr. Michael Emerson (and for those of you who know me, that is very far from my normal personality).

Cora Brown (left) and Nancy Bundy demonstrate the proper blocking for a scene in "Whose Life Is It Anyway?" Cora was Nancy's Assistant Director. Charlie Cummins (hi fuzzy) was our tech director Madam Dictator and her assistant

The moon often rises behind stage, doesn't it
John inside joke This about 30 seconds before the moon rose through the door in the background. That wasn't very nice, John!

Updated October 12, 2009

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