Fiddler on the Roof

Book by Joseph Stein (Based on the Short Stories of Sholom Aleichem)
Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
Music by Jerry Bock

Staged and Directed by Ron Taylor
Musical Direction by Les Bundy


Violins Artur Vaz da Fonseca, Prof. Luis Sousa Soares, Manuel Jacinto Arraial
Viola Humberto Mendes Bettencourt
Cello Mário Coelho Silva
Piano Duarte Manuel Conçalvas da Rosa
Flute José Antonió Soares
Trumpte Alberto Benigno Ferreira
Clarinet Fernando Manuel Avila
Bass Durval Pereira
Percussion Roy Jennings

Cast of Characters

Tevye, the Dairyman Les Bundy
Golde, his Wife Cora Brown
Their Daughters:
Tzeitel Lynn Draper
Hodel Helene Moon
Chava Lisa Loevenguth
Shprintze Colleen Collins
Bielke Tanya Mayes
Meilinka Paige McCrory
Mishka Cory Cummins
Yente, the Matchmaker Suzanne Drumm
Motel, the Tailor Lyle Johnson
Perchick, the Student Brett Perkins
Lazer Wolf, the Butcher Joe Harmon
Mordcha, the Innkeeper Gary Carter
Rabbi Dean Brown
Mendel, his Son Don Jacobs
Avrahm, the Bookseller Stan Biggs
Nachum, the Beggar Robert Schafer
Granma Tzeitel Lina Leaf
Fruma-Sarah Carol Crawford
Fyedka Ron Gardner
Constable Dan Gaumont
Shaindel, Motel's Mother Carol Drechsel
Yussel, the Hatmaker Jesse Conzalez
Surcha Angel Ryerson
Chaim Paul Look
Rifka Sheila Blackwell
Mirala Barb Hardeman
Bluma Donna Oriez
Fredel Betty Lou Cummins
Moishe Tommy Albertson
Schloime Rich Oriez
Luvke Carol Crawford
Matroushka Linda Leaf
Berille Connie Amoriel
Anya Joan Hochstetter
Sasha Don Jacobs
Igor Ron Brown
Boris Tommy Albertson
Yitzuk Ed Simms
Stefan Lyle Johnson
the Priest Tony Marshall
Sergei Jay O'Dell
the Onstage Fiddler Barb Hardeman
Young Jewish Boys
Izhaak Chris Brown
ignatz Stanley Leaf
Reuben Preston Huddy
Mordecai Billy Huddy

Production Staff

Director Ron Taylor
Assistant Director Tony Marshall
Stage Manager Wylie Young
Musical Director Les Bundy
Orchestra Conductor Truly Schramm
Choreographer Lisa Loevenguth
Costume Director Maxine Stine
Lighting Designer and Director Charlie Cummins
Lighting Crew Jum Dolge, Kevin Smith, Ron Brown, April Summers, Vic Silva
Secnic Artist Phil Gunderman
Art Staff Carol Drechsel, Joyce Swett, April Summers, Donna Oriez, Dale Herring
Technical Director Dale Herring
Set Construction Crew Kevin Smith, Jim Dolge, Dale Herring
Stage Crew Wylie Young, Ed Simms, Jao O'Dell, Ida Ortiz, Allen Wray
Property Mistress Jane Gillen
Property Crew Joyce Swett, Carol Drechsel, Jan Hockersmith, Mary Cargile, Jane Poole
Make-up Chairman Tommy Albertson
Make-up Crew Mary Anderson, Mary Cargile, Carol Russell, Stella Perreira, Jan Hockersmith, Don Jacobs
Promotion Director Don Jacobs
Program Ron Taylor
Business Manager Charlene Baker
Production Photographer Dale Freeland
Ticket Design Ron Taylor
Ticket Sales Katie Rowe
House Manager Nancy Bundy
Ushers Magarida Neves, Jim White, Kathy Tabler, Bob Marble
Production Secretaries Colleen Collins, Tanya Mayes, Maria Smith, Donna Beale


Studio 406 would like tog gratefully thank the following persons and organizations for their aid and assistance in this production:
Crossroads Newspaper
Lajes AB Commissary
Lajes High School Business Department -- Ms. Rachel Estes
Lajes High School Music Department -- Ms. Truly Schramm
The Staff of the Crosswinds Recreation Center
STUDIO 406 Wants you!

To produce a major musical production like Fiddler on the Roof requires a surprising number of talented and skilled individuals -- actors, singers, dancers, artists, and technicians. It also requires a great deal of work and effort -- but it is always a "labor of love" -- for what other undertaking brings baout the ultimate entertainment of people as theater?
Join us ... we meet the first Wednesday of every month right here in the Recreation Center, 7:00 p.m. Whatever your talent, skill, or hobby may be, we have a vial and exciting place for you in our next production ... and besides, we have a lot of fun too!

Fiddler on the Roof is based on the short stories of the Russian Jewish writer Sholem Aleichem, which is Yiddish for "Peace Unto You" and is the pen name for Solomon Rabinowitch. His stories, all written in Yiddish, have been translated into most of the important languages of the Western World, and are enjoyed by Jews and Gentiles alike. Although he has been called the "Jewish Mark Twain," "the Jewish Dickens," and "the modern Heine," he was more than these. He was unique, a genius whose writings are the perfect expression of a people, their mind, their heart, their wit, and above all their special idiom. He died in New York in 1916 and is buried in Brooklyn. His grave has become a shrine and every many Jews go there to pay homage to him

Music ... the Universal Language

Studio 406 is most fortunate -- in our production of Fiddler on the Roof -- in bringing about for the first time a blending of Portuguese and American muisical talent in the performance of an acclaimed international musical! For weeks, the group of highly talented and dedicated musicans you will see before you tonight have practiced their various intstrumental parts. The rehearsal that brought together the combined talents of Portuguese and American artists was truly an exciting event for everyone involved. Theatre has been man's highest ideal since the Dawn of Civilization, and We the People of Terceira Island -- both Portuguese and American -- are proud to be working together to advance this most exciting of human achievements!

Música .. a Língua Universal!"

Studio 406, na sua produçaõ de O Violino No Telhado, tem o prazer e a honra de apresentar, pela primeria vez, uma combinaçaõ desta taõ aclamada opereta.
Durante semanas, este grupo de talentosos e dedicados músicos, ensaiou as necessárias e diversas partes. O ensaio em que participaram, pela primeria vez, todos os componentes, foi vivido com a jaior e mais veemente emoçaõ! O teatro tem sido, desde o Princípio da Civilizaçaõ, o ideal maor do Homen e Nós, o Povo da Ilha Terceira, tanto Portugueses como Americanos, estamos orgulhosos de contribuirmos juntos para o avanço dum dos mais excitantes empreendimentos humanos.