Casa Walrath in Guantanamo

(page 1) (page 2) (exclusively dive photos)

Kimi is still quite the kitten... and she loves to play. Here, she's attacking one of her favorite toys, a little bit of feather and bell
Kimi Playing with her toy
Kimi really doesn't loke the dvd player While Kimi loves to play, she really hates the DVD player. OK, so we tease her with it from time to time...
For those of us aboard NB GTMO, we recognize that to get from GTMO to anywhere else, we have to start with a boat ride... In this case, the "93"
The GTMO 93
This July 4th, I was privleged to raft up with one of my friend's family on the water to watch the fireworks... before the fireworks, we had a great BBQ... The base's fireworks display will rival any similar small town in the US... lots of fun.
Father Sal, our pastor, was also with us on the 4th... and he proved that he is the fisherman... the only catch of the afternoon.
Fr Sal and his fish...
I know I've said it before, but Guantanamo is "tropical desert"... while it is warm and in the Caribbean, it is fairly dry... as witnessed to with cacti living literally in the bay... This fine specimen is living on an abandoned mooring pier in the bay.
Cactus in the bay?
Cactus on the bay...
There is a reason she's called "psycho-cat"... Kimmi
Kimi again She does love to run...
And run...
Normal pose... You do that one more time, and I'll...
Kimi again
I'm going to get that I said I am going to get that!
I told you I was going to get that. Take that, you, you...
Let Go of ME!Where'd it go?
If you don't stop laughing at me, I'm going to...

After 30 years of procrastinating, I finally got my PADI "Open Water" ticket. Sorry I waited so long, glad I finally got off my backside... This is Phillips Dive Park-where I took my training dives.

As I dive more, I'll add more (and hopefully better) photos--and start a new page.

Phillips Dive Park

Kestrels are small hawks that are abundant here. This fine example lives in my neighborhood..Kestrel


Kimi doesn't like the papparatzi!
Talk to the hand, Talk to the hand!
Being an old redneck, having southern rock legends .38 Special live for a free concert is heaven on earth... here are some shots from the March 25 concert here at GTMO...
38 Special
.38 Specail
.38 Special
.38 Specail
.38 Special

This page was last updated on March 26, 2009

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